Author, Vishwas Doneria, was born with the purpose of completing the research on human/society knowledge and of finding the ultimate truth/ knowledge and directions about Life.
• He believes that research/knowledge can’t be true unless it’s applicable forever to every person (not specific to his experience only), and he was totally focused on this research throughout his life.
• During childhood, he kept collecting all possible knowledge he can get about Life, starting with his parents, elders, teachers, and other successful persons.
• However, after all his efforts, he couldn’t convince himself with the knowledge he gained because of lack of consistencies and also the knowledge he gained did not match with real-life/world experiences.
• So finally he gave up relying on external sources to gain knowledge about life.
• From that moment, naturally, he started getting true knowledge from inside his heart. At the age of thirty, Author was convinced of knowing truth, with full consistencies.
• In addition, he started feeling happy from the inside and also managed to get answers for all his questions about life.
• Then for his self-reference, he consolidated his experiences/knowledge and especially concepts he derived from his journey from the External to the Internal and called it as Life Concepts.
• He then shared Life Concepts with hundreds of his relatives/friends who all found it helpful, as he expected, and then Author was completely confident that these concepts are applicable/helpful to every human being.
• He then wrote the book Life Concepts to share these concepts with everyone, and you are reading it now.